Talk 4:  Meaning & purpose at work – from roadblock to gas pedal

The climate crisis, a mental health pandemic, and radical changes to our jobs driven by artificial intelligence will in combination accelerate a greater need for meaning in our working lives. The good news is, that meaning is becoming a topic we can, as individuals and companies, actively address as a key parameter for well-being, performance and personal sustainability.

In this talk, you will learn:

  • Why your meaning and purpose at work is important for your short- and long-term performance, well-being and sustainability.
  • Why meaning and purpose will become more important in the future, and which trends are accelerating your need for meaning and purpose.
  • What frontrunning companies do differently to create a working culture in greater support of meaning and purpose.
  • How you can identify the typical barriers for obtaining meaning at work, and what you can do as a manager in the organisation to help foster a working culture in support of meaning and purpose.
  • What you can do to support your own meaning and purpose in your working life.

#meaning, #purpose, #joy, #artificialintelligence, #gigeconomy, #mentalhealth

—althydigitalisation, #silence

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